Apply to The Consortium

It’s time to think about the future of “Food” and “Energy” together.

The Consortium will promote support mutual cooperation among our members to realize a vision.


From right:Executive Director & Vice President  KOGURE Kazuhiro, President NISHIDA Mutsumi, Specially Appointed Professor SHIMABUKURO Akimichi
From right:
Executive Director & Vice President KOGURE Kazuhiro, President NISHIDA Mutsumi, Specially Appointed Professor SHIMABUKURO Akimichi
Co-creation Consortium for The Sustainable Integration of Land-based Aquaculture with Agriculture

Consortium Member Application Process

  • Send your application for participation
  • After confirmation by the secretariat, we will contact you by phone or e-mail
  • Submit application form
  • Join as a Consortium Member

Application Form

If you (company or organization) wish to participate in the Consortium, please fill out the form below, agree to the Constitution of Co-creation Consortium for The Sustainable Integration of Land-based Aquaculture with Agriculture and Privacy Policy, and then submit.

If you have not heard from the secretariat within 7 days of submitting your application, please contact us at the address below.

Center of Excellence of the Sustainable Land-based Aquaculture
Office of University of the Ryukyus COI-NEXT (Co-Creation Management Department, Organization for Research Promotion)

Phone : +81-098-895-8932(Co-Creation Unit, Research Promotion Section, General Planning and Strategy Division)

Reception Hours : Mon – Fri 9:00 – 17:00 (Excluding Holidays)

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